Author Archives: trylanderror

FITness – lesson #6 weight loss advice

Hello there,

Been away from writing and still WordPress feels that my audience is booming. That tells me that people actually enjoy reading what I post.

Today I have taken a somewhat recent obsession of mine which is fitness related and though I could share my thoughts.

I do like giving specific, justified and analysed data to sustain any recommendations or advice I give, but today I’ll keep things more casual and be subjective.

Weight loss has become one of the main concern of our age. This might be cause people either want to look good or are starting to be aware of  the poor quality of the food industry, maybe none of the two and they just like sports and have personal aesthetic objectives; either way there has been a obvious increase in the number of people all around the world who go to the gym, practice sport or attend a workout programme.

Of course anything good attracts a bit of bad with it. Just a natural balancing system to test us, I call it the natural order of things. So for the “cheater’s diets” which were designed to make you think you can look good with a little bit of sacrifice but not too much effort, I say “BULL” and present easy viable solutions for those who really want and know that if you don’t put in a little, you will never get more then a little.


Strangely most of the diets that emerged and were publicised to make people think that if you lose weight it will also make you look good,  a simple though came to mind : “never have I seen a sexy bulimic, ever”  but hey who am I to judge ?

Truthfully speaking I think any woman can be sexy if she has shapes in the right places. Cause in the end, there is such thing as too skinny and also there is such thing as TOO FAT. But there isn’t enough JUST ENOUGH !

Now of course this century is all about exaggeration as new standards are set by some of the worst. From inflicting bad, toxic ideas of relationship and self image to actually creating a new template of what beauty is.


So in order to be healthy and look good, you need to move. Maybe some of those who read this can’t do it to the degree that others do but as long as you are able to do something you need a routine.

We all know that our brains work better if oxygenated and rested, well workout will do that to you. Our harts are very important as well as the blood flowing through it, so exercise will strengthen it, finally we all want to look great and feel great, hey, guess what ?  Moving make even the world survive and be fresh and alive.

I have done a matrix so that it is easy to do, even by the least ambitious people of you all, to the more ambitious:



SO for the less inclined and not ambitious, I will recommend you to power walk wherever you go, eat anything sugary up to 16:00 o’clock nothing after. And get the least of 6 hours of sleep. CAN YOU DO THAT ? the world thank you.



For those that want to do something but have no time for that, I recommend you eat any sugary treats up to 12:00 AM, fruit anytime after and your last meal be at least 5 hours before sleep. Exercising would be great in the morning on an empty stomach, but if not just do 15-30 minutes at home (whatever contraption you have) or jog and in the weekends go for a more active lifestyle – Dancing is one calorie burning exercises that actually workout your body and it is fun.



We finally get to those who actually do what they purpose on their new years resolution.  You really want to see results and people around you know you keep your word. In order for your diet to keep you motivated and on track, you should just stop eating junk food (treat yourself 1-2 times a month), don’t overdo your carb intake and try consuming lots of fibres. Have your meals at an exact time. Have a routine where more than half of the week (3+1 days) you sweat everything off. Either to high intensity workout for short periods of time or have well planned schedule.


The ambitious ones.  If you want to be one of the people to stun your acquaintances when they see you that one time a year, then this is for you.  Some of the best transforming experiences were from people learning and doing what needs to be done.

Best diet is going to be objective based (bulking/lean), avoid exceeding the number of calories you should be consuming daily but take into consideration the calories you burn exercising and also the ones you burn daily normally. Don’t do junk food at all, cheat days are allowed but make it so that it comes as an incentive (and don’t overdue it). Sleep well (over 8 hours) exercise by the book, taking in consideration BMI and specialised training advice, maybe actually get a trainer to put you on your tracks. Always have a spotter so that you get the motivation and help. Spend your time being active. If not working out, going out and about.

Most people have reasons why they can or can’t be fit, but everything starts from DOING something, it can be as little as working out 5 min a day. If that works, do that, keep doing it  for 2 weeks so it becomes habit and then work up from there.

From yours truly,





Tra “La La Land”rover

Ok, revin cu un alt articol despre un film care mi s-a parut a fi demn de vazut. DAR, aviz amatorilor de filme romantice, acest este un film muzical. Deci se canta si se danseaza frecvent.


Protagonistii sunt Emma “Stone her face”  si Ryan “Goatsking”. Un film care a castigat mai multe premii decat actori aduce pe ecranele voastre scumpe un joc al culorilor imperecheate cu sunet si dans, CE POATE FI MAI FRUMOS ?

Nu pot spune nimic negativ, decat ca povestea este scurta dar la obiect si ca actiunea este mai mult pe ritm decat in creerea caracterului; In final pentru cei carora le plac filmele muzicale este unul din “must see”-urile vremii, iar pentru cei ce nu au o placere in a se uita la un film de genul asta, il puteti folosi drept “make out movie”/”movie and chill” (if ya know what I mean 😉  )

Pana data viitoare cu un nou produs la expus.

Va pup !!!

Frumoasa si bestia (filmul)

Inainte de a incepe a va murdari ecranele cu opiniile mele, va rog sa luati in vedere ca eu critic si povestesc parerea mea (un simplu amator), despre experientele audio-vizuale pe care le dobandesc pe parcursul unui film. Deci, parerile pot fi impartite si sper ca si respectate.


Voi incepe cu greseala pe care mi-o impun mereu sa nu o fac dar se pare ca deseori ma regasesc in postura de a viziona filme in 3d. Pentru acuratetea si placerea ochilor vostrii va recomand sa nu mergeti la acest film difuzat 3D.

Voi porni (cum mereu pornesc) in a va recomanda sa mergeti la acest film. Walt Disney nu dezamageste niciodata.

Cand am vazut prima data reclama la el, am stiut ca vreau sa merg, cauza principala fiind ca ma transporta inapoi in timp, cand m-am uitat la desen in copilarie. Multe parti ale povestii nu le tineam minte, DAR !!! sunt secvente din desen care au fost copiate perfect si se pare ca au fost cateva cheie, fiindca m-au emotionat de fiecare data cand le-am reprivit.

Protagonista este Emma Watson, diva iubita de englezi, care cucereste chiar si inima bestiei. Intotdeuna am avut impresia ca este supraapreciata, dar cred ca de la figura simpla si totusi delicata a ei, rolurile pe care le joaca, iar in acest film glasul ei ma face sa ma altur de partea englezilor.

Desigur pentru cei care urasc si detesta muzicalurile sau broadway-urile, acest film va avea momente cand va vor strange in spate, dar mie mi-au placut la nebunie. Vazand deseneul de odinioara metamorfozat in film.

Pentru sceptici si inapoiatii pe care ii veti auzi ca vor comenta la faptul ca nu era necesar in a mai crea/produce un film dupa o poveste, incercati sa le dati motivul urmator: desenele cu care multi dintre noi am crescut si am avut placerea a le viziona la timpul lor, exista doar in povestile spuse de mame si bunici copiilor sau poate chiar uitate; multi din tinerii noii generatii nu au reusit sau nu au avut rabdarea in a viziona aceste desene, iar acest film le picteaza in culori vii ceea ce stiu poate doar din povestiri. Eu sigur m-as duce si la “Scufita rosie”sau “Capra cu trei iezi”.

Ca incheiere a parerii mele, pot spune ca m-a amuzat, melodic este superb iar productia, regizarea si efectele speciale te inunda te uiti de tine. Vizioneaza-l si fii copil pentru doua ore si 9 minute, nu vei regreta.


Logan (filmul,nu masina)

Pentru cei care inca nu au reusit sa vada acest film. Nu cititi acest mic articol. Contine spoilere si consider ca acest film este unul demn de vizionat. mv5bmji1mjkzmjczmv5bml5banbnxkftztgwndk4njyymti-_v1_sy1000_cr006761000_al_


Un film care ridica temperaturile tuturori fanilor Marvel. Putin mai sangeros si chiar usor surprinzator, Logan este filmul din seria X-men unde rolul de Wolverine al actorului Hugh Jackman se pare a lua sfarsit.

Gen X, se pare ca va lua un final, doar sa faca loc pentru Gen Z (post-millennials). Filmul se concentreaza asupra ficei surpriza al lui Logan.

Surpriza filmului nu consta in moartea lui Logan, sau pasarea stafetei unei generatii noi de mutanti care sa continue planul maret al batranilor. Ci doreste sa il afecteze si abuzeze psihologic pe Logan. De parca nu a trecut nemernicul prin destul taieturi, gloante si fracturi; acum si-au dat seama cum il poate inmuia usor ca un taietel lovindu-l exact in boasele hipocampului (partea creerului care controleaza emotiile).

Este o poveste care da lectii paternale canine. Dar foarte intense.

Sunt super intense si sangeroase luptele, dar pe timp ce trecea iar luptele deveneau mai serioase, am simtit cum sala s-a incalzit. Nu a fost o senzatie, chiar au dat drumul la A/C, posibil si din cauza ca filmul este destul de lung si era plina sala, dar si din cauza ca luptele sunt bine orchestrate iar cadrele sunt scoase la capat fin.

Finalul, as putea spune tipic American, dar totusi cu un subtire strat de mister.

In total nu este un film pe care un adevarat cunoscator Marvel ar putea spune ca este grozav, dar cred ca latura pe care au abordat-o a fost potrivit de placuta.

Sper ca vi sa parut corecta parerea mea, sau ca a fost una informativa.

Pana data viitoare, vizionare placuta. !



Fifty Shades Darker

Pentru cei care simt nevoia sa il vada si sa nu li se dea spoiler-e, nu cititi acest articol. Imi voi asterne impresiile despre filmul asta ca bukkake nereusit, nici nu merita un film care se doreste a fi romantic… Dar cred ca voi niste detalii pe care odata citite nu le veti putea ignora daca vizionati filmul.

Sequel-ul la Fifty Shades, continuarea rahatului dupa o lunga constipare care a format dop. O poveste romantica slaba, simplista si plictisitoare impachetata intr-o actiune usor de digerat pentru imaginatiile persoanelor…mai slabe de inger. Acest episod (zic asta din cauza ca vor mai fi vreo cateva filme) este mai putin dur decat primul doar din cauza ca povestea sa centrat mai mult asupra relatiei celor doi protagonisti, incercand sa sublinieze faptul ca exista o conexiune, nu doar un film erotic pe un post de televiziune dupa ora 00:00.

115 minute de agonie, acum inteleg de ce acest Grey este asa dur, ca te supune la torturi vizuale timp de aproape doua ore si singurul lucru despre care poti vorbi este cat de slab a fost si (in cazul meu) ce bine este ca nu am dat bani (poate doar pe parcare, dar na…si cand te pisi pe autostrada platesti) sa il vad.

Prima impresie pe langa prostul fir epic, este repetitia. Circularitatea cu care se face sex in filmul asta este mai mult decat previzibila este ca anotimpurile. De la un film care nu avea nici o legatura cu BDSM ul si comunitatile de kinksteri pe care a reusit cu BRIO sa ii supere primul film au schimbat macazul spre o interactiune mai vanilla, probabil a inceput autoarea in sfarsit sa scrie despre ceva care stie sau poate ca demograficul filmului sunt fetele la pubertate (chiar daca e 18 and above), virgine la 25 de ani si femei fara imaginatie.

Apel la simplitate, protagonista este o fata frumusica dar nu prea mult, o frumusete de genul ala mediocru, un model perfect pentru friend zone in alte filme si acest bogatan Grey Christian care o rasfata si o joaca pe degete. Dupa doar 3 zile dupa impacare o “combina” (nu exista nici un termen literar in vocabularul meu care sa descrie o porcarie mai mare ca asta) sa se mute cu el, 3 zile a tinut ca ea sa il ierte pentru tot filmul 1 si sa revina in viata lui ca si cum nimic nu sa intamplat. O chiar si imbraca, de parca acest lucru nu l-am mai vazut in alte filme, exact cum ai imbraca o broasca in haine scumpe, frumusetea ei este readusa la viata fiind admirata de toata lumea LaBal (da am vrut sa scriu asa). Partea amuzanta este ca o scena inantea balului ea imbraca un corset (facand parte din vestimentatia pentru bal), care dispare ca prin minune cand el o dezbraca la bal.

O tarancuta epilata terfelita de un badaran bogatas, recunoasteti modelul? Da, si eu…rage tara de umbre de-astea si nu vin in numar de cincizeci ci sute, poate mii.

Dar de ce zici ca e tarancuta, ce nesimtit esti !!!  Da !? Nu am mai vazut o persoana care este rujata prost tot filmul, nu imi pasa daca vine MUA-MUELOR sa imi spuna diferit, ca tot mi se pare ca era depasita linia buzei superioare.

In final, au fost 2 momente care au fost perfect memorabile si care sigur iti vor atrage atentia. Primul si cel mai incitant moment cand pulsul iti va creste iar inima va tresarii, este intr-o scena cand se trage cu pistolul.

Al doilea este unul foarte amuzant, dar probabil din cauza faptului ca am avut cu cine sa rad, este scena cand sunt ei doi intr-un lift plin de oameni iar DELOC EVIDENT el incepe a o masturba (MIROASE A PIZDA!!!!) (a fost amuzant pe moment).

Asta a fost impreia mea, poate judec prea dur. Dar adevarul este ca in liceu auzeam la colege si amice povesti sexuale mult mai cutremuratoare. O gluma buna facuta la frecventa scenelor de sex, prietenul meu mi-a soptit: ” ba, astia s-au futut de mai multe ori in 2 ore decat m-am futut eu anul asta”.

Cam asta este tot ceea ce trebuie sa stii si ai sa vezi in film. Ahh, da, cadre filmate prost si tremurari de imagine probabil sa dea o nota de “realitate” filmului.

Loyle Carner soundtrack for “The Isle of Arran” is the same as Dr. Dre’s song.


If you listen or heard this song, maybe you’ll be like me and say…hmm….It sounds really familiar. Maybe because :

“This is track 2 from the 1983 album “The Lord Will Make A Way” originally released in 1969 under the album title “O Happy Day” on the Dunhill/Buluu/ABC Records labels .”

“Lou Adler sold Dunhill to ABC in early May, 1966, and started the Ode label. One of his earliest successes on Ode was Scott McKenzie’s aforementioned “San Francisco” [Ode 103], which reached #4 in early summer, 1967. Carole King, an artist who had known Adler for years, signed with Ode and hit multi-platinum with her 1971 album Tapestry.”

“By the mid-’70s, the Dunhill roster of artists included Joe Walsh (formerly with the James Gang and later with the Eagles), Bobby Bland, and ex-Motowners the Four Tops. The Four Tops revived the old magic for a while, with the help of a new team of staff writers (Dennis Lambert and Brian Potter, who wrote “Keeper Of The Castle,” “Ain’t No Woman (Like The One I’ve Got),” “Are You Man Enough,” among others). European producer-artist Giorgio Moroder, using only his first name, also made his US debut with a single and album on Dunhill, both called “Son of My Father.” Moroder became quite famous during the disco and techno years of the late 1970s and 1980s.”

Dr Dre use of

“It’s All on Me” contains a sample of “The Lord Will Make a Way” performed by the S.C.I. Youth Choir.”


Sources :

What is what ! what is new…

Hi there, I’ve been missed, I see… Just accessed my account and  saw that I had a spike in viewers and some messages. So of course never let down your audience, as small as it may be.


So, I will go and hit the exact subjects I am comfortable with and take no regard of trying to research it as it might have already been talked about on this blog and you might already know most of what I am going to say, but it will never be enough until you feed the people all they need.

“What is new and how can I get my relationship more interesting ?”

Well,  this is really bad. Let me tell you that the people I’ve counselled were too late in their relationship when they came to me, so… here go’s nothing :

First of all… Any relationship has lots of aspects, yes sex and communication, no, anything else is something that may be overridden or compromised. Sexually, experimentation is the key word.  First of all the reason I might invoke; is that you are old enough and smart to try new things (because you are interested and actually reading this) and second of all you acknowledged that there is a problem.

MOST of my readers have curiosities, smart, interesting people just browsing reading shit…making this page some views. Some write, most learnt and less but not least actually steal content from it.

Someone asked what’s new in sex… REALYY ?! and the question came from a guy.  I find that ridiculous that someone would ask. as YOU fucking PORN is available to anyone that hasn’t restricted internet connection.

But hey ! Why not, ill play along… what have I seen that is new ?

Nowadays (female)  porn stars took it to another level. It may be that the average masturbator got sick and tired of the old shenanigans, or they realised that porn resembles REAL LIFE, is more arousing.

The peak of searches now are :



and a couple of names like Holly Michaels and Mia Khalifa, and a couple more that actually are involved in their play not just play out a script to get to the end of it.

Shit hits the fan, when people stop looking at fake taxi and watching x fucking z while z’s friends are sleeping and so on.

This gives me the impression that people don’t take the whole fucking a porn star idea as one to take (or going to a prostitute), but relying in having adventure and making one, of their own. Sex in public, at the gym, in store, etc. With a gymnast, with a colleague, with a team mate.  On a cruise, in the library in the classroom etc. .

People have discouraged watching porn for what it might imply. But no one looked at what it teaches us. And a broker might agree, trend is always the answer you need to look out and after for.

So why the change in story and novelty?  cause people got sick of boring old school whoring, changing it with real fantasy and extreme fantasy (which I approve).

Like :  FORCED ORGASM. it is a new intrusive though loved search term, which display women getting tied up and being forced by different means to orgasms, over other orgasms ( a type of multi-orgasmic treatment many women would love to have).  DOESN’T SOUND LIKE OBJECTIFING TO ME.

Bondage, some light bdsm and crazy orgasms…tell me this is not what any woman wants, and I will stop breathing :)) .

So next time, please come with some new way we can research this vast and crazy subject, sex has a hold on us, but we can explain it so that we can harvest the best of it.

Till’next time !!







“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.”


For those who don’t know it yet, that’s Oscar Wild, what a wise man. Why do you think he said that?

It might be because sex today is everywhere, it’s the muse of all songs and the spark of any conflict. It is everywhere and we love it. It comes in various shades, lines and weight; It has diversity and it is really versatile. It’s no discovery that it rules, but why?

Why did religion interfere with how and why people express their sexuality? Why is the oldest governing institution interested what people do in their homes? They even placed it the 10 commandments.

There’s no secret to it, we just like the feeling, how do you control someone when you know what they like ? by rationing, by adding the fear factor to equation and testing their faith.

In aristocracy, the form of control was either you’re ignored by the aristocrats or you’re being heavily punished. They decided that only the virginity of wealthy people’s daughters matter, because the fortune pass along bloodline. So as long as you don’t have a sexual relationship with rich people’s daughter, your sexual life is uninteresting to other people. However if you did, you might face harsh punishment.

Nowadays sex is the common demeanor to all political scandals, all of the celebrity gossip and most of the news bulletin crime, before money and race, of course.

So sex does have the power to change lives, ruin them but also give them.

Another interesting subject I want to draw everyone’s attention is to BDSM and swinging. Most influential people hide in their closet an interesting fetish for BDSM as sometimes the weigh of their status can be forgotten once in play.

Now, knowing that sex is about power, and it has power on it’s own. Even saying that :

“I would like to have all the sex in the world”

 can be changed with

“I would like to have all the power in the world”

Want something even more interesting to wrap your head around. Most beautiful women have anything they want, is it because they are more knowledgeable? smarter?  Or is it because they have in their possession something that may interest most people with other kinds of power like MONEY or anything else.

Most gold diggers are women, men, not so much. That doesn’t mean that all women are or that that’s all a woman wants. But the “beautiful sex” as we call women is the one that controls everything around.  Why not ugly women? why not men?   Why can’t a man be raped?

Just think about it, what is sex to you ? How much power does it have?  Do you have any of that power?

Until next time.



Why do I write this ? why about sex ? today’s feature is “arrousing men, has become a must”

There is this popular belief that there is no double standard when talking about sex. It’s already imprinted in girls/women minds that men are in a certain way and somehow women are on the opposite side of the pole…thus lots of misconceptions, bad practices and awful advise get’s propagated thru media, infecting young minds and feeding women insecurities with lies.

Hi, I’m Alex, I own this small corner blog with advice on lots of subjects. The ability I poses is a wonderful though haunting. I see patterns all around, and with the rise of POP CULTURE, patterns have become clearer and more & more unhealthy.

Why ? Cause alongside the wide and large access to internet, the majority of tabloids and blog (such as mine) have come with their own version of the truth, less approved sites have started catching followers and the normal everyday user, is bombarded with uncontrolled information.

Is this bad ? No, but a long time ago people read a lot, reading material was scares and knowledge in most domains was limited due to economy, education, technology and lack of specialists. Today, the most funding go’s into research and innovation, which is great, if you don’t take in consideration the IMPORTANCE OF PRESERVATION !  So bit, by bit we are exhausting, depleting and consuming the resources we need most in order to survive. What is the cost for all this ?  we pay by human sacrifice.

But let’s come back to the main subject. What happens when you give someone to many options without explaining them ? statistics say that the number of uncalculated tries can be the demise of the person’s interest in finding the correct one.

What happens when a person is looking for answers on the internet ? the person get’s too bored, scared or disgusted to follow through. Thus switching to the popular belief, because it is simple and accessible. And so the urban myths and lack of calculated information leads to ignorance, stupidity and mediocracy creating dull mindless zombies chasing one thing and collectively wanting THE SAME THING.

DO YOU KNOW how much commercials affect you? how about POP CULTURE? how about media?  Do you feel like eating something sweet ? wanna fuck ? want to spend some money but you are undecided ?  DO YOU FEEL THE NEED OF DOING SOMETHING BUT DON’T KNOW WHAT ?  yeah….that’s not you being screwy, it’s subliminal effects that are bombarding you with information.

The subject for today (of course) is the one dearest to me. I will be talking about a small but meaningful misconception in the world of LOVE/SEX making.

We all know that PORN isn’t a valid or a scientific source of knowledge. Although frowned upon,  my feeling is that free porn has RELIEVED many men from stupid, shameful actions and encouraged masturbation, MASSturbation (just a little joke). More on that subject here.  But really, the rise of porn was twisted into the idea that it is desensitising men and attacking their lack of knowledge as women were suppressed into submission and silenced even late after their emancipation, freedom of speech and equal rights.

Thus you have lots of generations that never tried approaching sex/love with other intention other than quenching their sexual desires and most women that have never discussed what their partner should or shouldn’t do to make them happy, (like anyone would have been open enough). But that didn’t change too much, see statistics of sexual health of year 2000 where less than 50% of women were truthful about masturbating and less than that were the women that experienced orgasm during sexual intercourse. That’s what lack of sexED and communication does.

So where am I going with this ?

The subject I wanted to talk about in this post was the lack of understanding each sex has and the lack of balance some sexual education site’s, columns and blogs have.  As the research isn’t viewed from all the perspectives, most try to reach out to the largest number of people, overlooking the small, rarer categories.

I talked lots of how to ready the mind and body for an wonderful sexual experience, I’ve spoken about HOW TO and WHAT TO take in consideration when having difficulty in satisfying women (which is important), but more and more I find a new trend of people (men especially) that lack the intimacy from their partners.  That’s why I started with all the talk from above.

Either it’s the double standards or a misconception, because women today start being a bit lazy…not in the : YOU ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING way (though there is that type also) but when it comes to prelude the whole idea is just FOCUS ON HER.  Now this isn’t 100% of the women, don’t get me wrong, but I think it’s safe to say that the majority of women forget that if men’s penis is hard, that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t need touching or attention.

Here is where I want to make a parallel between porn and reality for a bit. In porn the toxic scripts and stupid conversations actually count for nothing, nowadays (it is pop knowledge) that a man will have a longer period of searching the porn they like than the fapping itself and there were some statistics where showing that men usually look at the plot’s start (encounter and prelude) and ending of the clip, making the middle content (lots of positions and twists) indifferent. This has to do with the need of intimacy and décor, play and interaction. NOT THE ACTUALL SEX.

Why do people fantasize? cause that’s the missing part of their lives, they lack the touching and caressing, the rush of desire and equality of feelings.

So explaining why and what is wrong leads me to make in the near future a post about how to keep exciting, how to arouse and play with your partner as I already done that for women, now I will take his perspective into account.

Until next post, LOVE AND BE LOVED !

Limb Numbing SEX

 Numbness of Limbs (hands or/and legs) while having sex?

Then his is a perfect article for everyone out there. For some time I have been told that during or after sex the woman I was with had her hands or legs or both going numb. My first thought was: “I’m a CHAMP”, right ? But really now, what happens and why ?

So at first I started replaying everything in my head, what I usually did and didn’t do with all the different subjects I’ve been with to see if there are any patterns, nothing outstanding came to mind. So as you may know my methods, I started asking everyone who I can actually get a real answer from if they have had or heard about this.

Seems that the numbness happens to many girls/women out there. If you never had it, it’s ok…It isn’t because you never had great sex.

The real reasons behind limb numbness in women is mostly because of two factors :

– The first one which in hindsight I am sure that it was the reason is Vitamin B12 deficiency, that may be because you drink too much or don’t get too much sleep or you actually have problems absorbing it from food (meat, poultry, seafood, dairy products, and eggs).

– Second one which is mostly common due to HAVING SEX, is the heavy breathing and/or Hyperventilation; which both are practically part of good sex and not as common as limbs going numb.

So, if you add up lack of sleep or heavy drinking with great pounding heavy breathing shags with shallow breathing muscle aching orgasms…you get  A SATISFIED LIMB NUMBING WOMAN.

Thus after all that I said, UK might have the most LIMB NUMBING SEX of all 😉 (wink).

FAQ : Why do you feel it after sex ?

R: Cause when you are in the process you are not attentive at how your limbs feel, just how you feel.